CountDown to #TravelChatSA

Excitement Building up for tomorrow nights #TravelChatSA on Twitter at 19:00 GMT+2. I have a family outing meeting at exactly the same time. Hope I can peep in but in the meantime let me do my part prior to the event.

I’m The Guy! – Alex Granger

No Alex! I am that Guy! – Well Done China! Love the Video.. P/S I am that person 🙂

[embedplusvideo height=”600″ width=”600″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=6D564f5Rujo&width=600&height=600&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=1&react=1&chapters=&notes=73%7eI’m+The+Guy!+I+am+That+Person!” id=”ep9576″ /]
Go to Alex Granger Site and Book The Guy!

Migrated from WordPress.Com to WordPress.Org

I had not realised how easy it was to migrate until this past weekend (24 Jan 2013)from WordPress.Com to WordPress.Org. Thanks to a chat I was having with Natalie Singer and Andy Preston.

Tonnes of widgets and plugins to deal with! But am loving it so far. If you view the site on a mobile you have the option to view mobile site (looks like an app) or full site. *This is way kewl*. There is a plugin called Floating Social Media – It gives you social media icons that float on the page as you scroll up and down….

WesleyWesley Mobile Site

I really love this theme but I want to see what has to offer 🙂