How undersea cables are laid

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I’m The Guy! – Alex Granger

No Alex! I am that Guy! – Well Done China! Love the Video.. P/S I am that person 🙂

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Go to Alex Granger Site and Book The Guy!

3 Things Experts Don’t Have to Be

3 Things Experts Don’t Have to Be by Douglas Kruger

We misunderstand the nature of top icons. Do they fit the industry stereotype? Are they very formal and buttoned down? Do they have to have academic qualifications? Professional Speaker Douglas Kruger explores 3 things industry experts do not have to be…

Create visual job ads from your iPhone Create visual job ads from your iPhone with this new app for employers, recruiters and small business owners. Works in conjunction with your existing social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Take a picture, add a filter with your job title and career url then share it on social media. Its that easy.

Is a business management degree the right direction to become a CEO/MD for a company

I was asked this question today by a young man . [Is a business management degree the right direction to become a CEO/MD for a company?]

My Answer: NO!

Let’s look at the definition of a CEO according to Wikipedia

A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking corporate officer (executive) or administrator in charge of total management of an organization. An individual appointed as a CEO of a corporation, company, organization, or agency typically reports to the board of directors

Why I said No 

By definition a CEO is an administrator..

My advice

Be the One the CEO reports to! 

Aspire to Own Your Own Business. 



Then work your way backwards and see what you need to achieve the status. Learn the trade and Be Your Own Boss!

Reminds me of Douglas Kruger’s “Why are we so fanatically hung up on Jobs