Questions for #JobRechChatSA 9 July 2014 16:00-17:00 SAST

#JobRecChatSA – Connecting Jobseekers and Recruiters via Twitter

by Vanessa Raath on 2014/07/07

Who’s keen to join us for our 3rd #JobRecChatSA – designed to connect Job Seekers and Recruiters in South Africa?
As a Recruiter I am so tired of seeing CVs where people undersell themselves! Come on people – your CV is the one place where it is acceptable to have a little boast once in a while – tell us about your achievements! I get so many questions about CVs on a daily basis that I am hoping we can help answer some of these…
1.       What information needs to be included on your CV?
2.       Should you bullet point your duties?
3.       What information cannot be left off your CV?
4.       Why you should include interests and hobbies?
For the uninitiated the format is that a list of questions will be published as per above and tweeted during the chat, Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. and you can tweet your answers using A1, A2, A3, etc. using the hashtag #JobRecChatSA – as everyone is free to participate and there are no rules governing Twitter conversations. Do not worry if you can’t include A1, etc. The hashtag is important your tweet though as we interact and learn from each other.
We kindly request that self-promotion or marketing of your company is kept to a minimum as the objective is to be a forum for debate and sharing of knowledge.
The Team
Vanessa Raath, Tim Barry, Wesley Madziva
Meet The Team
Vanessa Raath General Manager at IT recruitment agency It’s About People
Tim Barry  African Heart Celtic Soul Business Consultant
Wesley Madziva Sales Developer for Express Employment Professionals

MCI Direct Hire 2014 SA HR Recruitment Survey Results

The results of the MCI Direct Hire 2014 SA HR Recruitment trend survey are in. This survey ran for just over 30 days and received a massive 1263 responses from HR professionals across the country. Once again making this survey the largest of it’s kind to ever be conducted in South Africa.

60% of organisations do not primarily make use of recruitment agencies to fill their requirements

46% of respondents have between 1 & 5 recruitment agencies on their preferred suppliers list

66% of organisations use social media to recruit candidates

69% of organisations use LinkedIn, 23% Facebook, 5% GooglePlus and 4% Twitter

59% of organisations use Print Media to advertise vacancies

70% of organisations use job portals to advertise vacancies

53% of organisations use a recruitment management system

88% of organisations attempt to source and place candidates internally before approaching recruitment companies

53% of organisations rely on internal staff to refer candidates to HR for hiring consideration

46% of organisations have an employee candidate referral rewards program in place

74% of organisations have a careers section on their website

64% of organisations had an annual staff turnover rate of less than 10%

HR Recruitment Survey 2014 Infographic-1

The results of the MCI Direct Hire 2014 SA HR Recruitment trend survey are in. This survey ran for just over 30 days and received a massive 1263 responses from HR professionals across the country. Once again making this survey the largest of it’s kind to ever be conducted in South Africa

#Knysna #TravelChatSA in #Pictures

From today’s #TravelChatSA the topic was on the beautiful Knysna which is on my bucket list, I have decided to select Tweets showing the images of the area for today’s post.

Career in Aviation – Ground Staff

This morning I received a request by a candidate who wanted to pursue a career in aviation working as a ground staff member. So I quickly did a Google search so that I can refer the candidate directly to the airlines. And here is what I found posted by my good friend Rob Baker of South Africa Travel Online.

Full Article on Airline jobs listing

For Airport Ground Crew you will need ACSA-disembarkation

  • South African identity document
  • Matric / grade 12 certificate
  • Diploma in travel and tourism (preferable)
  • No criminal record*
  • Clear credit record
  • Computer literacy essential
  • 1 year customer care experience
  • Good customer care and communication skills
  • English plus one additional language
  • Drivers licence
  • Well groomed
  • Willing to work shifts
  • CV with the following
  1. Brief employment history
  2. Brief additional qualifications
  3. Direct telephone contact details
  4. Certified copy of matric / grade 12 certificate
  5. Certified copy of identity document


Thank you Rob! It’s a small world.

CountDown to #TravelChatSA

Excitement Building up for tomorrow nights #TravelChatSA on Twitter at 19:00 GMT+2. I have a family outing meeting at exactly the same time. Hope I can peep in but in the meantime let me do my part prior to the event.

Migrated from WordPress.Com to WordPress.Org

I had not realised how easy it was to migrate until this past weekend (24 Jan 2013)from WordPress.Com to WordPress.Org. Thanks to a chat I was having with Natalie Singer and Andy Preston.

Tonnes of widgets and plugins to deal with! But am loving it so far. If you view the site on a mobile you have the option to view mobile site (looks like an app) or full site. *This is way kewl*. There is a plugin called Floating Social Media – It gives you social media icons that float on the page as you scroll up and down….

WesleyWesley Mobile Site

I really love this theme but I want to see what has to offer 🙂