Are Bloggers Journalists?

The fact that you blog, are you a Journalist? The question that we argued over lunch at #ITWebSocial Summit 2013 with @BontleMoeng  , @lilly_tech and @TkaySA and I promised them I would post a blog post.

Let’s start with definitions (my favourite way in any argument)

Blogger – a person who keeps and updates a blog.

Journalist – A person who writes for newspapers or magazines or prepares news to be broadcast on radio or television.

So by definition, the fact that WeszMadz blogs doesn’t make me a Journalist but just a person who keeps and updates a blog. (I LIKE)

But what is a blog?

A Blog – A Web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis.

WeszMadz Top Tweets from #ITWebSocial

A selection of the Tweets I found interesting from the ITWeb Social Media Summit 2013

Mo – Ya’eesh@Mo_Yaeesh You know you’re a geek at a geek event when no ones talking to eachother and everyone is frantically typing away #ITWebSocial

@marshyp16m: Thanx to @WeszMadz and @tallulahlucy for the Social Media Summit tweets yol got me glued to my timeline #ITWebSocial

@ITWeb #ITWebSocial “Don’t let your customers have more technology than you – otherwise they’ll beat you up with it.” – @ryanhogarth

@DavidGrahamSA @weszmadz . . . and make the investment to learn, understand and master all the functions and features offered by LinkedIn #ITWebSocial

@Mo_Yaeesh Jeez these Microsoft dudes could bring about world peace with a simple presentation.. Hide your women #ITWebSocial

@Jeanine_F Except that I am freaking out & going through my feed with a fine tooth comb, @mngomezulu_n ‘s talk on SM law was amazing

@TkaySA “When great minds come together, anything is possible…” Thank you #itwebsocial

@WeszMadz Putting Social Icons on Your Website is NOT a Social Media Strategy #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Use CRM and social together to maximize revenue #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Social is not a destination! It is a capability that provides a transportation service #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Get Mobile! #ITWebSocial almost every speaker is saying Go Mobile! Be Mobile!

@WeszMadz Use Hashtags to be found #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Social Media Landscape is changing everyday. Change your strategy on a regular basis #ITWebSocial


@WeszMadz Companies are blocking Social Media access at work but they have follow us icons on their websites #ITWebSocial

@tallulahlucy: So in other words I’d better never say anything dodgy because I’m totally associated with my company #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Don’t bring your employer into disrepute as a result of your comments on Social Media #ITWebSocial it can be used in your disciplinary

@WeszMadz You may publish something that’s defamatory as long as you can back it up. fair comment #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz You have the right to privacy but is your expectation of that privacy reasonable #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz No platform will be a success if there is no strategy #ITWebSocial we have different platforms for a reason.

@liamarus Don’t cut and paste one post across all social media platforms #hrpulse #ITWebsocial

@WeszMadz Data is a pain point, we are the 12th most expensive Internet in the world! #ThankYouTelkom #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz There is no space for B2B on Mxit, they are no deals! It’s about search then you sorted, it’s about B2C on Mxit #itwebsocial

@Mo_Yaeesh: I think there should be a day dedicated purely to Social Media Law – Very insightful #itwebsocial

@jonmetricas @RichSimmondsZA @WeszMadz @jamaaludeen most popular users at #ITWebSocial  via @TweetBinder

TweetBinderAccording to #ITWebSocial. WeszMadz was the Most Active User and the Most Original Tweets Generated. Oh Yes! I also won a R1000 Voucher!! What a fruitful day. Thank You ITWeb!

The Legal Retirement Age

I got a call last week and I was asked this question. What is the legal retirement age in South Africa?

A quick Google Search gave me these two comments
1. Bowman and Gilfillan say

Section 187 of the Labour Relations Act renders discriminatory dismissals based on grounds such as race, sex, gender, religion and age automatically unfair. This is in line with the general prohibition of unfair discrimination on these and other grounds contained in the Constitution and the Employment Equity Act. However, where age is concerned, the Labour Relations Act makes an important exception, namely that an employer may retire its employees when they have reached the “agreed” or “normal” retirement age. Once the employee has reached this age, the employment relationship terminates and this does not constitute a dismissal for purposes of the Labour Relations Act, nor is it automatically unfair.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no general retirement age in South Africa. Employers and employees are therefore free to agree at which age the employees will retire. This agreement is normally found in the employee’s employment contract, or may, in special circumstances, be determined with reference to the rules of the retirement fund to which the employee belongs.

2. ENS – Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs say
Employers in South Africa continue to be troubled and to make mistakes about retirement. This is clear from the number of cases that come before the Labour Court. The Labour Relations Act says that a dismissal based on age is not unfair if the employee has reached the agreed or normal retirement age. However, employers frequently forget that what is ‘normal’ must be proved, and that for there to be an agreed retirement age, both parties must agree to it. Employers cannot simply declare a particular age to be the retirement age and think that this will automatically apply to all existing employees regardless of how long they have been employed for and what age they currently are.

WeszMadz says – So bottom line, There is no retirement age in South Africa. Unless agreed upon prior with the employee then it might be seen/taken as unfair dismissal or unfair discrimination.

WeszMadz Blog selected as Blogger of the day 14 June 2012

On the 14th of June 2012 PaperBlog selected WeszMadz as their blogger of the day! Yeah! Thanks PaperBlog! Am Thrilled!

But who or what is PaperBlog?

What is Paperblog? Paperblog helps you find quality articles from the blogosphere, providing a participatory media site where talented experts and enthusiasts can share their knowledge and experience. The best and most relevant articles are not easy to find amongst all the blogs online. Paperblog identified the need to find the best blogs around, offering quality articles to a growing readership.In the first trimester of 2011, Paperblog International received 10 million regular visitors from throughout the world

Here is a snapshot of the day I was blogger of the day from the PaperBlog Site! 🙂 🙂 🙂

See my blog on PaperBlog here 

Are you a blogger? You can submit your blog on PaperBlog as well.

Think About This…. – Pavlo Phitidis

Pavlo Phitidis presented on Entrepreneurial Actions to beat tough times during the APSO 2012 Owner/Manager’s Conference. One slide stuck in my memory and the heading was Think About this.

Think About This…

Think About This… It’s Your Business and YOU are in Control

Think About This… The Future Ain’t What it Used to be

Think About This... Risk has multiplied; It’s No Longer Liner

Think About This…Every Business has Risk but Risk doesn’t kill every business!

Follow Pavlo on Twitter 

10 Actions for Growth & Competitive Advantage – Paul Naidoo

I  must say that I really enjoyed Paul Naido‘s presentation at the APSO2012 Owner/Manager’s Conference. One of his two presentations was on “10 actions for growth and competitive advantage” Here are the 10 Actions

1. ME PTY LTD .. Get a designated accountability coach. Compete with yourself. Be better than yourself constantly.

2. Belief Systems .. Know your recession and work with your recession. Forget the worlds recession
3. Business Success Principles…what do you subscribe to. Choose what will never change. Only tactical approach will change
4. Information is Currency . Meanful information to stakeholders
5. Numbers Don’t Lie.. what will customers say about you
6. Goal Renewal
7. Change … Initiate change . What has changed since we last met?
8. Networking … Who are your stakeholders. Network . Where is it happening? Where your stakeholders are be there.
9. Low Budget Marketing.. Look for as much free publicity as you can.
10. Attitude.. My Values (what do I value. I can lose the business today but never my customer) my actions. My Behaviour ( work on your ego.) find out why you got the business and why you didn’t get the business.