#JobRecChatSA – Connecting Jobseekers and Recruiters via Twitter
by Vanessa Raath on 2014/07/07

Who’s keen to join us for our 3rd #JobRecChatSA – designed to connect Job Seekers and Recruiters in South Africa?
As a Recruiter I am so tired of seeing CVs where people undersell themselves! Come on people – your CV is the one place where it is acceptable to have a little boast once in a while – tell us about your achievements! I get so many questions about CVs on a daily basis that I am hoping we can help answer some of these…
1. What information needs to be included on your CV?
2. Should you bullet point your duties?
3. What information cannot be left off your CV?
4. Why you should include interests and hobbies?
2. Should you bullet point your duties?
3. What information cannot be left off your CV?
4. Why you should include interests and hobbies?
For the uninitiated the format is that a list of questions will be published as per above and tweeted during the chat, Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. and you can tweet your answers using A1, A2, A3, etc. using the hashtag #JobRecChatSA – as everyone is free to participate and there are no rules governing Twitter conversations. Do not worry if you can’t include A1, etc. The hashtag is important your tweet though as we interact and learn from each other.
We kindly request that self-promotion or marketing of your company is kept to a minimum as the objective is to be a forum for debate and sharing of knowledge.
The Team
Vanessa Raath, Tim Barry, Wesley Madziva
Vanessa Raath, Tim Barry, Wesley Madziva
Meet The Team
Vanessa Raath General Manager at IT recruitment agency It’s About People
Tim Barry African Heart Celtic Soul Business Consultant
Wesley Madziva Sales Developer for Express Employment Professionals