Ten Tweets from APSO 2012 Conference

WeszMadz selection of the top ten tweets (in no particular order) during the APSO 2012 Owner/Manager’s Conference 13 June 2012

Michael Jackson ‏@the_other_mj
#apso12 looking forward to speaking at, and MC’ing the conference today! Morning APSOnauts….

Michael Jackson ‏@the_other_mj
#apso12 begins, with an intro from the President….Tabeo Magodielo talks 35 years of history and a new future

Vanessa Raath ‏@Its_About_Peopl
Let’s kick it #APSO12 – arrived late but to be expected when you come through the airport??

Natalie Singer ‏@nats_singer
Super successes #apso12 APSO recognised globally as an outstanding example of an active staffing organisation! Members should be proud!

APSO SouthAfrica ‏@APSOZA
Let’s embrace the opportunities rather than dwell on the obstacles and focus on positive contributions we make to our stakeholders #apso12

WeszMadz ‏@WeszMadz
Be afraid of your customers because those are the folks who have the money #apso12

Georgina Barrick ‏@GeorgieFB
@the_other_mj fantastic presentation @ #apso12 very dynamic interesting – highly recommended

APSO SouthAfrica ‏@APSOZA
His Excellency the Most Honourable Clem Sunter on the podium #apso12 The World & SA beyond 2012. Scenarios, flags & probability

Natalie Singer ‏@nats_singer
23000 of our 28000 schools in SA are dysfunctional. How do we fix this? Educate, empower & performance manage the principals #apso12

Vanessa Raath

“@Its_About_Peopl: Well done @APSOZA – great conference again 🙂 #apso12”

7 Deadly Business Sins – Michael Jackson

The Federation of African Professional Staffing Organisations (APSO) is committed to the upliftment and professionalisation of the labour recruitment industry in South Africa. APSO hosted their Owner/Manager’s Conference on the 13th of June at the Premier Hotel OR Tambo.

The other Michael Jackson was the MC and he also presented “The Challenge of Change”. Part of that presentation he pointed out what he terms the 7 Deadly modern business sins

Michael Jackson 7 Deadly modern business sins

1. Believing business has become justified and craving constant growth from unchanged products goods and services

2. Coveting image at all costs without regard to ethics people or the environment

3. Seeking to reduce every business cost possible with the sole objective of making profit

4. Allowing poor performances to persist and go unchallenged. These kill your brand 

5. Laziness and indifference wrapped in complexity, policy and procedures 

6. Resenting what your colleagues or competitors have ,that you perceive rightfully should be yours

7. Pride. The deadliest of business sins. Glorifying everything you perceive you have built and done

Express SA has gone Mobile!

Express Employment Professionals SA has gone mobile!

They now have a mSite. With the amount of smartphones roaming the streets, a huge percentage of one’s current web traffic is as a result of access via mobile. The question to ask yourself. Do you have a mobi site? or Are your visitors landing on your desktop page which looks squashed on their mobile.

Express Employment Professionals SA has gone for a simple yet informative mSite. Cant wait to hear what Dave Martin will say about this one. But I will share with him the phase two. So don’t show him this post!

The mSite has five pages viz Home, About Us, Candidates, Employers and Contact. The presence of Social Media links on each page is what I love most on this site.  The home page has a short intro and links to the Employer and Candidates section respectively. The bottom of each page has links to Feedback, Full Site and Disclaimer.

Tweets from SocialMediaInRecruitment Conference 2012

Mike Taylor of Social Media In Recruitment hosted the Social Media In Recruitment Conference, 19th April 2012 at the Congress Centre in London. The fourth one of its kind.

Below is a random selection of some of the Tweets that came from the event under the hashtag #SMIR

@99GR81 “most organisations are vomiting jobs” < most candidates are vomiting applications right back #SMIR
@James_Mayes @raymckeating “social” has no geography. Social media does. #SMIR
@TheSourceress I’m reminded of my blog post – It’s Called Social Media For A Reasonhttp://ht.ly/alG5a #smir
@_k_johnson Its not just about content. who’s gonna do the “social” & building of relationships – conversations etc – the long game #SMIR
Ben Phillips ‏ @TRecKnowledgy A linkedin status of “I’m recruiting for a blah blah blah” is not#socialrecruiting. We’ve been doing this on job boards since mid 90s#SMIR
#SMIR 75% of jobseekers look to the career website for info. Still key portal, but should link to & from other channels
@CasualFilms Social networks increasing in use, career websites decreasing over last 3 years as a way of finding out about employers #SMIR
 @DavidJohnston1 Show the conversations on your career site. Give insight and activity, but don’t vomit jobs…#SMIR
@RayMackeating Interesting…64% job seekers expect to find employers presence on on Facebook #SMIR 
@ToriAtHead Interesting stats- of recent graduates in the UK only 26% are on Twittter & 24% are on LinkedIn, but 93% are on Facebook #SMIR
 @James_Mayes#smir Def challenging the stats here. 34% of students expect an employer to be on G+? No, I think not.
@JackkBarton LinkedIn isn’t Social Media #SMIR 
@AmarSanghera People who just want a “job” want a quick application process. People who want a “CAREER” appreciate & understand a longer process#SMIR 
 @JackkBarton LinkedIn isn’t Social Media #SMIR <if you just advertise & search. That’s a job board
@Socialmediarec Content rich twitter profile four times more popular than jobs Twitter profile for successsappts #smir
@socialjulia “It’s not about stats, it’s about reality.” Favourite quote of the day so far from #smir
@James_Mayes @mobile_dave At #smir @successappts are showing off what they’ve done with mobile. Might be a review candidate for you.
@irishrecruiter: LinkedIN Groups surely work better than LinkedIN Jobs! 🙂 #smir
@ehsantweets Recruitment & attracting talents based on principles of advertising is not the best approach. Social recruitment = exact type of job. #SMIR 
@garelaos Well done to @successappts for getting stuck into SM and embracing failure too. The industry could learn a lot from them. #smir

Social Media In Recruitment Conference -19th April 2012, Congress Centre, London

@hhudda_newfront It’s all about engagement! Do it, and do it well. #SMIR
@UKSourcers “You’ve just got to go for it, there’s risk involved with everything you do in business.” Steven Selby @successappts #smir 
@garelaos if you aren’t creating value in some way as an org, then you dont exist #community #smir
@TRecKnowledgy The key is to attract (& connect) in #LinkedInGroups, & take candidates to your ‘platform’ like a blog #SMIR
@JackkBarton @TheSourceress I think there has to be a distinction between business media and social media that is then used for business.#SMIR 
@Ehsantweets Couple of years ago some brands said Social Media is about experiment. It is not an experiment anymore; just the time to get it right. #SMIR 
@Socialmediarec Blogged: How job seekers use Social Media When Job Hunting And What They Expect To See From Employers http://bit.ly/JNiRCJ #smir
@RayMckeating Social media helps bring down the cost associated with recruiting#SMIR 
@MrPeterReagan Consider a thousand bad comments about your business on social media as free research. Monitor, Listen and take immediate action.#SMIR 
@MrPeterReagan Stop being afraid of people accessing social media in work time. Let them do it and the 2-3 week spike in activity will soon subside. #SMIR
@MrPeterReagan Agencies raise your game. If customers are better at using social media to recruit than we are, then market share is under threat!#SMIR
@CasualFilms “Video is THE best way to give people an insight into your business”@katrinacollier @winningimpress #SMIR

Download The Proposed Amendment Labour Bills 2012

The Department of Labour has now uploaded the LRA and BCEA amendment bills together with the Memorandum of Objects. Click the links below to get yourself a copy

Memorandum of Objects: Labour Relations Act Amendment Bill, 2012

Labour Relations Act Amendment Bill, 2012

Basic Conditions of Employment Act Amendment Bill, 2012

Memorandum of Objects: Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill, 2012

Credit to Jeroen van Oostrom, the digital artist who created this image.

Credit to Jeroen van Oostrom, the digital artist who created this image.

First Post

It was bound to happen due to requests from colleagues. It has now happened. I will be blogging about Social Media, Social Recruiting, Mobile Recruiting, Recruitment Industry, Latest Tech and Mobile Apps.

What is of interest during my travels will also be published.

Am I a writer. No ways!

Do I always have something to say. Yes!