Thank you very much to Knowledge Resources for the invite to be one of their E-Recruitment Conference Speakers. We are going to have another packed 60mins! The conference is a two day event 18-19 May 2016 at Indaba Hotel, Spa & Conference Centre, Fourways | JHB.
To view more details on venue, speakers, sponsors and to book click —> E-Recruitment Conference 2016 #EREC2016
It’s time to find out more about e-recruitment and how to fit it into your HR practices. The emphasis must be on making your e-recruitment strategy more efficient through new methods and approaches! The influence of digital, social and mobile developments is big and ever changing. This means that HR professionals need to think and act strategically and combine the power of social media; job boards and application processing technology in order to win the war on talent. The E-Recruitment Conference offers both recruiters and marketer’s insight into every
facet of e-recruitment, what works and what it could mean for you. Walk away knowing you can implement an e-recruitment strategy tomorrow, know the suppliers and learn from the experts that have implemented world class strategies.
View the Conference Brochure —> E-Recruitment-LR-Brochure
I will be looking at a Case Study and presenting other cool stuff as always. See you there!