5 Steps to BLOCK Facebook Games

Greetings! A few of my colleagues have been mourning about all the Facebook Games invites they receive and I have assisted them in how to block them. The downside is that you have to manually block a game each time you get invited, but once that particular game is blocked you will not be getting more invites from it!

Here is a simple 5 step process to blog Facebook Games you have been invited to.

1. Check on the left menu bar for the “APPS” link and Click on Games


2. Click on Activity then Click on Invites. On the right hand side you will see all the games you have been invited to. Click on the X2


3. Almost there!!! Now click Block “Name of Game”3

4. Next Screen is Confirmation of the Deed 🙂 Yes Blocking the App will prevent others from sending you invitations and requests! Yeah! Go for it! Click CONFIRM! 4


5. #HAPPINESS! Game has been blocked


Now Let’s go Block the rest of them games!


Written for You by Me! #WeszMadz

#MeetingsAfrica15 and #USB15 MyTweets

Meetings Africa showcases Africa’s diverse offering of services and products where African associations and African meetings industry professionals can partner to help transform our continent. Unique Speakers Bureau hosted their Premier League of Speakers Showcase during Meetings Africa Expo 2015 at the Sandton Convention Centre and thank you USB for the invite. Below are some of the Tweets I did during the event


The Twitter wall was a large digital screen!


Business Transformation. Challenging Corporate Culture – Rene Carayol

Today (14 April 2014) I attended a talk by Rene Carayol on Business Transformation – Challenging Corporate Culture.  The Talk was proudly brought by Unique Speaker Bureau (USB) Below are some notes I made and thanks to Natalie Singer for all the tweets which assisted in the composing of this post.

Business Transformation – Challenging Corporate Culture 

  • The world has changed a lot and good enough is no longer good enough. Have you changed?
  • 600 Million new jobs are needed in the next decade. The worst case scenario has arrived. Recessions are man-made and not God’s creation.
  • Management saved us well in good times, these are extraordinary times. We need leadership and leadership is not the top position in the company, that’s management.
  • We need leaders who can “Make It Happen” as you can’t predict the future in today’s world, its changing too fast. Disruptive Technology is speeding up change.
  • We need a change in mind-sets towards more transformation and leadership  is a mind-set, not the top position in an organisation. Once your mind-set shifts you can lead. If it goes wrong we have a coaching opportunity
  • In South Africa we trust no one and we have a fear of failure. We don’t have a management issue, we have a Leadership issue.
  • Today’s business world is VUCA (Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous)
  • Culture is the way we do things around here, everyone can copy your strategy but not your culture. Culture is what happens when the CEO leaves the room. Culture is more powerful than strategy. You cannot hide from your culture but you can change it. 80% of Companies do not craft their own culture. Talent in today’s world is choosing the organisation that fits their own culture.
  • Leadership is not management, it is how you energise your people towards your vision.
  • Management is Strategy, Plans, Tasks, Process. Leadership is Vision, People, Teams, Culture
  • Leadership is the art of Accomplishing More Than The Science of Management says is Possible. Leadership is all about Attitude & Heart and anyone can be in it. It’s not about a qualification. Experience wins all the time.
  • Choose to Manage a little less and Lead a little more. Biggest challenge for success is not Talent, it’s Leadership.
  • Top Ten Tips Business Transformation – Challenging Corporate Culture
    1. Tip 01: What do you think? Do you ask your employees or you are all the answers? Listen, engage and if it makes sense act on suggestion and acknowledge.
    2. Tip 02: Leaders tell stories, Managers talk strategy. Martin Luther never said “I have a strategy”. Capture the people’s hearts and minds
    3. Tip 03: Leaders create Excitement
    4. Tip 04: Treat your people like volunteers
    5. Tip 05: Diversity works. Diversity in experience.
    6. Tip 06: Learn, UnLearn and Re-Learn
    7. Tip 07: If you are in complete control, you’re just not going fast enough. Trust your people, delegate and get more done.
    8. Tip 08: Share the Plan and Charge the Hill
    9. Tip 09: Inspire and Challenge your People. Management is Auditing. Leadership is Inspiring.
    10. Tip 10: The World’s a stage – Tell Your Story


    Leadership Changes Society. Empower everyone in your organisation to be a Leader. They should be empowered to lead themselves and their part in the success of the organisation.
    How good is your social media? Do you know what good is being said about you and what are you doing about it? Connected world means you must know how to manage both good and bad things happening in your organisation.
    We can’t think ourselves to success any more. We have to behave our way there.
    Only Two organisations receive more than 1 million unsolicited job applications each year: Google and Proctor & Gamble – Great Cultures attract and can choose the best
    What do you stand for? Are you that leader people will sacrifice for? When you leave will people say “We have just been in the Presence of Greatness?”


22 WeszMadz Tweets from #USB14 #MeetingsAfrica2014















CountDown to #TravelChatSA

Excitement Building up for tomorrow nights #TravelChatSA on Twitter at 19:00 GMT+2. I have a family outing meeting at exactly the same time. Hope I can peep in but in the meantime let me do my part prior to the event.

WeszMadz Top Tweets from #ITWebSocial

A selection of the Tweets I found interesting from the ITWeb Social Media Summit 2013

Mo – Ya’eesh@Mo_Yaeesh You know you’re a geek at a geek event when no ones talking to eachother and everyone is frantically typing away #ITWebSocial

@marshyp16m: Thanx to @WeszMadz and @tallulahlucy for the Social Media Summit tweets yol got me glued to my timeline #ITWebSocial

@ITWeb #ITWebSocial “Don’t let your customers have more technology than you – otherwise they’ll beat you up with it.” – @ryanhogarth

@DavidGrahamSA @weszmadz . . . and make the investment to learn, understand and master all the functions and features offered by LinkedIn #ITWebSocial

@Mo_Yaeesh Jeez these Microsoft dudes could bring about world peace with a simple presentation.. Hide your women #ITWebSocial

@Jeanine_F Except that I am freaking out & going through my feed with a fine tooth comb, @mngomezulu_n ‘s talk on SM law was amazing

@TkaySA “When great minds come together, anything is possible…” Thank you #itwebsocial

@WeszMadz Putting Social Icons on Your Website is NOT a Social Media Strategy #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Use CRM and social together to maximize revenue #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Social is not a destination! It is a capability that provides a transportation service #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Get Mobile! #ITWebSocial almost every speaker is saying Go Mobile! Be Mobile!

@WeszMadz Use Hashtags to be found #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Social Media Landscape is changing everyday. Change your strategy on a regular basis #ITWebSocial


@WeszMadz Companies are blocking Social Media access at work but they have follow us icons on their websites #ITWebSocial

@tallulahlucy: So in other words I’d better never say anything dodgy because I’m totally associated with my company #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Don’t bring your employer into disrepute as a result of your comments on Social Media #ITWebSocial it can be used in your disciplinary

@WeszMadz You may publish something that’s defamatory as long as you can back it up. fair comment #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz You have the right to privacy but is your expectation of that privacy reasonable #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz No platform will be a success if there is no strategy #ITWebSocial we have different platforms for a reason.

@liamarus Don’t cut and paste one post across all social media platforms #hrpulse #ITWebsocial

@WeszMadz Data is a pain point, we are the 12th most expensive Internet in the world! #ThankYouTelkom #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz There is no space for B2B on Mxit, they are no deals! It’s about search then you sorted, it’s about B2C on Mxit #itwebsocial

@Mo_Yaeesh: I think there should be a day dedicated purely to Social Media Law – Very insightful #itwebsocial

@jonmetricas @RichSimmondsZA @WeszMadz @jamaaludeen most popular users at #ITWebSocial http://twtb.in/2F7E13uhze8  via @TweetBinder

TweetBinderAccording to TweetBinder.com #ITWebSocial. WeszMadz was the Most Active User and the Most Original Tweets Generated. Oh Yes! I also won a R1000 Kalahari.com Voucher!! What a fruitful day. Thank You ITWeb!

Comparison: 2012/2013 SA’s Largest HR Recruitment Trend

MCI Consultants, the largest distributor of staffing software in Southern Africa, announced the results of its 2013 SA HR Recruitment Trend Survey which saw the participation of 1012 HR professionals from across the country over a period of 30 days.


WeszMadz compares their 2012 results to 2013 results

Organisations that use a recruitment management system [2012 52% / 2013 43%]

Organisations that had an annual staff turnover rate of less than 10% [2012 58% / 2013 59%]

Organisations that attempt to source and place candidates internally before approaching recruitment agencies [2012 93% / 2013 87%]

Organisations that rely on internal staff to refer candidates to HR for hiring consideration [2012 56% / 2013 52%]

Organisations that have an employee candidate referral rewards program in place [2012 58% / 2013 61%]

Organisations that do not primarily make use of recruitment agencies to fill their requirements [ 2012 58% / 2013 56%]

Organisations that have between 1 and 5 recruitment agencies on their preferred supplier list [2012 40% / 2013 44%]

On Social Media

Organisations that use social media to recruit candidates [2012 53% / 2013 58%]

Organisations that use job portals to advertise vacancies [2012 64% / 2013 68%]

Organisations that use print media to advertise vacancies [2012 65% / 2013 65%]

2013 Social Networks that gave the best results

69% LinkedIn. 18% Facebook. 7% Twitter. 7% Google+

Placement Fees

Fees charged 21% Cost to Company [2012 2.8% / 2013 3%]

Fees charged 16-20% Cost to Company [2012 16.3% / 2013 14%]

Fees charged 11-15% Cost to Company   [2012 46.5% /  2013 46%]

Fees charged 6-10% Cost to Company [2012 17.6% / 2013 20%]


A word from MCI

“This is the second consecutive year that we have run this survey.  Due to the overwhelming response, we can definitively say that this is the largest survey of its kind ever to be conducted in South Africa,” commented Rhett Davies, Partner at MCI.

“The results of this survey clearly indicate that HR departments and professionals of corporate SA have become extremely proactive and are managing a bulk of their recruitment internally. Interestingly though, there was an increase of 6% in the number of corporates utilising agencies as their first port of call. This year’s results also showed a remarkable increase of 5% in the number organisations utilising Social Media to recruit which aligns with the growing global trend.”

Wesley Says

  • More recruitment agencies are now charging less. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  • Google+ and Twitter will definitely change those percentages in 2014
  • Print Media still hanging in there but Social Media Use on the rise. Recruitment firms brace yourselves or this decade will leave you behind
  • Am every worried about a decrease in recruitment management system use. How are you gonna manage all the social media responses if you don’t have a system?

ORTAMBO Customer Experience – The Social Media Lesson

On my way back to my car on 16 January 2013 at ORTAMBO Airport this happened when paying for parking  to about 5 of us

ORTAMBO responded

Quick Response, they really want to help, I’m thinking, Yeah Right

This is getting serious now, they want to refund the R5

By then I had left the change and the building 


Three Weeks Later……

I land at ORTAMBO from one of my business trips and I check-in on FourSquare and send the check in to Twitter

And then this happens! 


Howz that for Customer Experience, Use of Social Media. Am still wondering how they remembered after three weeks